Will power is the real power
Where , th ere is will, the re is a w ay is a well-known proverb. All of us wish to achieve many things in life, but usually many of us don't succeed. And often tends to curse the fate and misfortune. How many times we affirm to improve our lives but ends doing nothing. How many times we have been dissatisfied with some aspects of life, and vowed to change them, but couldn't follow that decision. What is that element, holding back, and preventing us to achieve our goals? Those elements are lack of ent husiasm, motiv ation, desire, determina tion, discipl ine and most remarkably, the Will Power. One must realize that the Will Power is the real power. That's true, if our will power is strong, we can easily overcome all hurdles. The concept of fate is man made (to much extend). It is not enough that we wish to achieve something, we should have proper will power to carry out our plans. Even a curso ry stud y of human his tory of civilization tells us that all great ...