
Showing posts from September, 2018

Will power is the real power

Where , th ere is will, the re is a w ay is a well-known proverb. All of us wish to achieve many things in life, but usually many of us don't succeed. And often tends to curse the fate and misfortune. How many times we affirm to improve our lives but ends doing nothing. How many times we have been dissatisfied with some aspects of life, and vowed to change them, but couldn't follow that decision. What is that element, holding back, and preventing us to achieve our goals? Those elements are lack of ent husiasm, motiv ation, desire, determina tion, discipl ine and most remarkably, the Will Power. One must realize that the Will Power is the real power. That's true, if our will power is strong, we can easily overcome all hurdles. The concept of fate is man made (to much extend). It is not enough that we wish to achieve something, we should have proper will power to carry out our plans. Even a curso ry stud y of human his tory of civilization tells us that all great

Mankind, a puppet in the hands of society

Whether Mankind, a puppet in the hands of society or not; has been a long term discussion. For this purpose sociologists have largely argued about whether or not we are controlled by the structure of the society in which we live. Are people puppets of society? Do we control the social system or does it control us? Society is said to mould individuals, but to which extend? These are such emphatic questions which cannot be answered properly by anyone, although different sociologists have different perspectives. Some of them have argued about`Yes, we are puppets of society' and some  about `No, we have free will and can make our own decisions' Many sociologists believe that we are controlled by the society; they claim that social institutions, such as work, religion, the law, media, education, and family life, determine our behaviour. These institutions mould us to act like Robots where we all look and work the same. For example the institution of Education controls

Modern man, stereotypes and society

A conventional or formulaic conception or image is known as " Stereotype ".By Growing up, much of a person's identity is being formed by his parents, grandparents and the society . It is formed by the things, one is taught at the school. The attitudes and behaviours directed toward an individual by others,  and representation are also involved in this phenomenon. How one sees himself is strongly influenced by his/her family, in the cultural and traditional sense of the word.  This brings me to question ; how these influences affect our lives and what impact they have on how we see ourselves as youth and individuals . I personally hate stereotypes. I dislike the fact that people think I should act one way because of my sex, personality, or nationality. I hate that people think I should not like sports because I am not a man. I hate that people think I should be a nun because of my personality. I hate all of this because people are creating a concept of me based in