Will power is the real power

Where, there is will, there is a way is a well-known proverb. All of us wish to achieve many things in life, but usually many of us don't succeed. And often tends to curse the fate and misfortune. How many times we affirm to improve our lives but ends doing nothing. How many times we have been dissatisfied with some aspects of life, and vowed to change them, but couldn't follow that decision. What is that element, holding back, and preventing us to achieve our goals? Those elements are lack of enthusiasm, motivation, desire, determination, discipline and most remarkably, the Will Power.

One must realize that the Will Power is the real power. That's true, if our will power is strong, we can easily overcome all hurdles. The concept of fate is man made (to much extend). It is not enough that we wish to achieve something, we should have proper will power to carry out our plans. Even a cursory study of human history of civilization tells us that all great things have always been achieved by men of will.
Great men have become great from childhood, onwards, as they had will to be great. The notable achievements in science, art and literature are the result of endeavors of "Men of will" who worked against heavy odds to achieve their goals.

Without determination, we will not be putting in enough strength to make our plan, a success. On the other hand, a good plan with enough scope will not succeed if there is "lack of will". So what matters is that, we have proper drive or determination to carry on with out plans in the face of obstacles.

Will is a great force; both for good and evil. It makes impossible things, possible. The story of man's progress from chaos to order, from barbarism to civilization is nothing but, a story of will power pitted against all the hostile forces of nature.
Nicholas Machiavelli, the great English Write has quoted:
"Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great"

Summing up, there is a very thin line between success and failure. And this thin line, internalise attributive to strong determination. Just when we are on the verge of succeeding, often we succumb to temptation and leave the goal undone. Lack of presence of will power, determines whether we fail or accomplish goals, and achieve success.

The soul present in human body govern the intellect and mind, and strengthen the mind to overcome procrastination and other negative elements. So, will power is real power; if one looks it out of the mirror of so-called superstitions. Determination and strong will are the key to success, key to life and key to satisfaction. As Millman had said:
"Will power is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel, by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear."


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