Ideas that have harmed mankind : Burtrand Russel

In ‘Ideas that have Harmed Mankind’ Russell scans the Evil Passions of human beings: Man feels delight in seeing others in sufferings as reflected in: Witch burning, beating of lunatics, beating children & wives for moral good, burning before sentence of death, Fighting wars on idealistic heroic & patriotic base, opposition to anaesthetics, human sacrifice for fertility of fields, Christian religious duty to butcher the loser’s tribe completely down to their sheep, fanning fears about after death- pictures of tortures. Then Russell scans the Im-Moral Ideas as: envy, jealousy, pride (leads to myths about superiority of class sex (men over women) race nation & religion (Chosen people of God) ), selfishness, human greed, believe that we all are sinners, self-importance, absolute certainty on allusions (chosen instruments of God to conquer the world as Roman, Nazis, Marxists, catholic and Muslims, having superior heaven, butchered soldier direct to Heaven, godly wars). Finally Russell scans Political Harmful Ideas as “Nation needed guns rather than butter.” – Nazis, Democracy is the solution of everything (majority cannot decide things wisely), superiority complex of nation, Race of weapons for super defence. At the End Russell strokes intellectual Remedies: Human being needed injections of social science i.e. Charity, tolerance, clear thinking , intellectual honesty, there is need of improvement of organizations ie. Political organization should lead to end of wars, Economic organization should lead to better productivity, Educational organization should lead sanity and internationalism. Final One World Govt. for peace, progress and prosperity.


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