Top 100 Phobias

Following are the top 100 phobias in the world, with the most common ones listed from the top.

1. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men).

2. Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes . Phobics avoid certain cities because they have more snakes.

3. Acrophobia – The fear of heights . Five percent of the general population suffer from this phobia.

4. Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces. People with this fear often wont leave home.

5. Cynophobia – The fear of dogs . This includes everything from small Poodles to large Great Danes.

6. Astraphobia – The fear of thunder/lightning AKA Brontophobia, Tonitrophobia , Ceraunophobia.

7. Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces like elevators, small rooms and other enclosed spaces.

8. Mysophobia – The fear of germs. It is also rightly termed as Germophobia or Bacterophobia.

9. Aerophobia – The fear of flying . 25 million Americans share a fear of flying.

10. Trypophobia – The fear of holes is an unusual but pretty common phobia.

11. Carcinophobia – The fear of cancer. People with this develop extreme diets.

12. Thanatophobia – The fear of death . Even talking about death can be hard.

13. Glossophobia – The fear of public speaking. Not being able to do speeches.

14. Monophobia – The fear of being alone . Even while eating and/or sleeping.

15. Atychiphobia – The fear of failure. It is the single greatest barrier to success.

16. Ornithophobia – The fear of birds. Individuals suffering from this may only fear certain species.

17. Alektorophobia – The fear of chickens. You may have this phobia if chickens make you panic
18. Enochlophobia – The fear of crowds is closely related to Ochlophobia and Demophobia.

19. Aphenphosmphobia – The fear of intimacy . Fear of being touched and love.

20. TrypanophobiaThe fear of needles. I used to fear needles (that and death).

21. AnthropophobiaThe fear of people. Being afraid of people in all situations.

22. Aquaphobia – The fear of water. Being afraid of water or being near water.

23. AutophobiaThe fear of abandonment and being abandoned by someone.

24. HemophobiaThe fear of blood . Even the sight of blood can cause fainting.

25. GamophobiaThe fear of commitment or sticking with someone to the end.

26.Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – The fear of long words . Believe it or not, it’s real.

27. Xenophobia – The fear of the unknown. Fearing anything or anyone that is strange or foreign.

28. VehophobiaThe fear of driving. This phobia affects personal and work life.

29. BasiphobiaThe fear of falling . Some may even refuse to walk or stand up.

30. AchievemephobiaThe fear of success . The opposite to the fear of failure.

31. TheophobiaThe fear of God causes an irrational fear of God or religion.

32. AilurophobiaThe fear of cats . This phobia is also known as Gatophobia.

33. MetathesiophobiaThe fear of change. Sometimes change is a good thing.

34. GlobophobiaThe fear of balloons . They should be fun, but not for phobics.

35. NyctophobiaThe fear of darkness . Being afraid of the dark or the night is common for kids.

36. AndrophobiaThe fear of men. Usually seen in younger females, but it can also affect adults.

37. PhobophobiaThe fear of fear. The thought of being afraid of objects/situations.

38. PhilophobiaThe fear of love. Being scared of falling in love or emotions.

39. TriskaidekaphobiaThe fear of the number 13 or the bad luck that follows.

40. EmetophobiaThe fear of vomiting and the fear of loss of your self control.

41. Gephyrophobia – The fear of bridges and crossing even the smallest bridge.

42. EntomophobiaThe fear of bugs and insects , also related to Acarophobia.

43. LepidopterophobiaThe fear of butterflies and often most winged insects.

44. PanophobiaThe fear of everything or fear that terrible things will happen.

45. PodophobiaThe fear of feet . Some people fear touching or looking at feet, even their own.

46. ParaskevidekatriaphobiaThe fear of Friday the 13th.

47. SomniphobiaThe fear of sleep.

48. GynophobiaThe fear of women . May occur if you have unresolved mother issues.

49. ApiphobiaThe fear of bees . Many people fear being stung by angry bees.

50. KoumpounophobiaThe fear of buttons. Clothes with buttons are avoided.

51. AnatidaephobiaThe fear of ducks . Somewhere, a duck is watching you.

52. Pyrophobia – The fear of fire . A natural/primal fear that can be debilitating.

53. RanidaphobiaThe fear of frogs. Often caused by episodes from childhood.

54. GaleophobiaThe fear of sharks in the ocean or even in swimming pools.

55. AthazagoraphobiaThe fear of being forgotten or not remembering things.

56. KatsaridaphobiaThe fear of cockroaches . This can easily lead to an excessive cleaning disorder.

57. LatrophobiaThe fear of doctors.

58. PediophobiaThe fear of dolls . This phobia could well be Chucky-induced.

59. IchthyophobiaThe fear of fish . Includes small, large, dead and living fish.

60. AchondroplasiaphobiaThe fear of midgets . Because they look differently.

61. MottephobiaThe fear of moths. These insects are only beautiful to some.

62. Zoophobia – The fear of animals. Applies to both vile and harmless animals.

63. Bananaphobia – The fear of bananas . If you have this phobia, they are scary.

64. Sidonglobophobia – The fear of cotton balls or plastic foams. Oh that sound.

65. Scelerophobia – The fear of crime involves being afraid of burglars, attackers or crime in general.

66. CibophobiaThe fear of food . The phobia may come from a bad episode while eating, like choking.

67. PhasmophobiaThe fear of ghosts . AKA Spector phobia.

68. EquinophobiaThe fear of horses . Animal phobias are pretty common, especially for women.

69. Musophobia – The fear of mice . Some people find mice cute, but phobics don’t.

70. Catoptrophobia – The fear of mirrors . Being afraid of what you might see.

71. Agliophobia – The fear of pain. Being afraid something painful will happen.

72. TokophobiaThe fear of pregnancy involves giving birth or having children.

73. Telephonophobia – The fear of talking on the phone . Phobics prefer texting.

74. Pogonophobia – The fear of beards or being scared of/around bearded men.

75. Omphalophobia – The fear of belly buttons. Touching and looking at navels.

76. PseudodysphagiaThe fear of choking often after a bad eating experience.

77. BathophobiaThe fear of depths can be anything associated with depth (lakes, tunnels, caves).

78. CacomorphobiaThe fear of fat people. Induced by the media. Affects some anorexics/bulimics.

79. Gerascophobia – The fear of getting old . Aging is the most natural thing, yet many of us fear it.

80. Chaetophobia – The fear of hair. Phobics tend to be afraid of other peoples hair.

81.  Nosocomephobia– The fear of hospitals . Let’s face it, no one likes hospitals.

82. Ligyrophobia – The fear of loud noises. More than the instinctive noise fear.
83. Didaskaleinophobia – The fear of school. This phobia affects kids mostly.

84. Technophobia – The fear of technology is often induced by culture/religion.

85. Chronophobia – The fear of the future. A persistent fear of what is to come.

86. Spheksophobia – The fear of wasps. You panic and fear getting stung by it.

87. Ergophobia – The fear of work . Often due to social or performance anxiety.

88. Coulrophobia – The fear of clowns. Some people find clowns funny, coulrophobics certainly don’t.

89. Allodoxaphobia – The fear of opinions . Being afraid of hearing what others are thinking of you.

90. Samhainophobia – The fear of Halloween affects children/superstitious people.
91. Photophobia – The fear of light caused by something medical or traumatic.

92. Disposophobia – The fear of getting rid of stuff triggers extreme hoarding.

93. Numerophobia – The fear of numbers and the mere thought of calculations.

94. Ombrophobia – The fear of rain. Many fear the rain due to stormy weather.

95. Coasterphobia – The fear of roller coasters.

96. Thalassophobia – The fear of the ocean . Water, waves and unknown spaces.

97. Scoleciphobia – The fear of worms . Often because of unhygienic conditions.

98. Kinemortophobia – The fear of zombies . Being afraid that zombies attack and turn you into them.

99. Myrmecophobia – The fear of ants . Not as common as Arachnophobia, but may feel just as intense.

100. Taphophobia – The fear of being buried alive by mistake and waking up in a coffin underground.


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