Past papers prose UOS
Past paper of Prose Bertrand Russell PU UOS 2003 to 2018 Mk Bhutta Explain Russell’s ideas in the superior virtue of the obsessed. (PU 2018) 3. What safeguards does Russell suggest against a teacher's becoming a tool in the hands of governments and how far are they adequate? 2003 7. Which of the prose writers included in your course is your favourite, and why? 2003 5. Do you think Bertrand Russell's proposal for the establishment of a world government is desirable, or even tenable? 2004 6. In how many ways have ideas concerned with moral and politics, according to Bertrand Russell, helped mankind? 2004 3. YEAR 2005 4. Affirm or refute Russell's bid to justify the winning of happiness in this raving, reeling age of ours. 4. YEAR 2006 4. Can ideas, good or bad, be so effective as Bertrand Russell has claimed? Make out a case for or against in the light of his 'Unpopular Essays'. 5. YEAR 2007 3. Even when theoretic and imaginative, Russell never departs fro...
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